Dear Colleagues!
The non-relativistic direction in physics existed parallel to the relativity theory (RT) starting from the origin of RT. But, despite great numbers of independent, talented and skilled adherents, results of their activity has not yet led to the rejection of pseudo-scientific "theories" and did not become universally recognized. Basically, investigations of RT opponents are directed at criticism of RT (sometimes, criticism was repeated, since results of previous investigators were suppressed), and the number of works with explanations of new phenomena within the limits of non-relativistic physics is comparatively small.
Certainly, there exist external causes for this: it is absent support and state financing of this direction; there exists great financial, ideological and political support for RT; relativistic stock phrases are struck into people's consciousness and subconsciousness through cinema, literature and information industry; pupils and students are repeatedly "encoded" with RT statements; critical works are suppressed, or co-ordinated actions for theirs discredit are organized by "administrators near science".
However, internal causes promote such a state of matter also. One of them is the total disconnection of the non-relativistic movement. Some corollary is lack of informational support of works and lack of base of bibliography sources or e-archive. Frequently, this is the reason that investigators working with the same ideas and problems do not know the papers of colleagues and re-discovery results of other investigators. Negative corollary of disconnection is low quality or presentability of some works. Authors do not have the possibility to improve their own papers using benevolent critical remarks from colleagues. Unfortunately, clashing with unsubstantiated formal reply and indiscriminate attacks of relativists, many of them misapprehends any criticism.
Some actions must possibly be taken to safeguard the works of our generation, or they could be forgotten as it almost happened with many of the previous first-class nonrelativistic works. These actions must promote consolidation of the non-relativistic movement and obtaining of proved results which can be included in annals of World Science and will be used by the next generations.
It is offered to discuss the problem of disconnection of non-relativistic works and their's development. Beforehand we will propose such actions only, which promote the development of scientific research, their qualitative improvement, the improvement of the moral atmosphere in the scientific and educational environment. Our purpose is not the separation of science and investigators, but unification for rise of the efficiency in understanding of the Universe.
For consolidating the non-relativistic movement, the discussions on the following directions are suggested:
To substantiate the Direction 1, the following can be pointed out. The lack of clear a methodology of cognition "helped" the appearance of such "theories" as special and general RT. Probably, they must be not abstract principles, but concrete testable methods, which worked out with the centuries-old practice of investigations and which can be clearly used. They must raise the efficiency of research works, help reject mistakes and deadlock ways, and help reach scientific purpose in the shortest way possible.
On Direction 2 the following example can be done. Not long ago the journal Science published the list of 125 questions ( ), which must be solved by modern science. The careful consideration of the "physical questions" shows that these questions are beforehand supposed to be solved by investigators in the scope of modern existing theories only. Contrary to the 125 question from Science, the concrete problems for recent investigation must be formulated, so that the results can be obtained to the time of the next Conference. The list of physical problems can unite investigators, help present reference-points, systematize performed investigations and direct them to obtaining the concrete testable results. It is desirable for investigators to formulate such problems, which cannot be depreciated even in the case of (accidental) error of their own concepts. Then, the obtained results contribute to the common cause of the development of Science.
Direction 3 possesses evident value. Some enthusiasts constructed e-libraries. However, their volume is not great enough, and they strongly depend on preferences of their creators. Therefore, to increase the possibilities of searching and the exchange of interesting information, an independent "data library" is needed, with broadened search capabilities. Probably, it may be dynamical: with the possibility to use it from the first day, but with subsequent improvement of the service. However, technically it may be necessary to attract many enthusiasts. Therefore, it is firstly needed to discuss the principal concept of such the bibliography base and archive of published works.
To substantiate Direction 4 we tell the following. The previous century brought the total confusion for physical concepts. The number of hypotheses ad hoc (for the concrete special case) became the same order as the number of phenomena under study and of solved problems. It is necessary to decide which of physical statements and laws remain to be correct, if they can be confidently used in subsequent research. As the result of the discussion, the physical basis will be formulated, and any investigator can reliably apply it to avoid mistakes in their own work. It may be better to act gradually in this point, as far as the concord in basis concepts will be reached.
May be, it will be better to start from a minimum, following the principle "not to harm" and we will remember the proverb: The "best thing" is the main enemy of the "good one" (not to ruin the principle idea under trifles and non-principal disagreements). We ask not to waste time, and in discussion to argue proposals with essential reasons only, omitting minor ones.
These four Directions were proposed for the beginning of discussion, but if there will appear some other ideas, then they can be presented at the Direction 5. We propose to all interested colleagues to participate in discussion on the abovementioned proposals in detail. After discussion we will place the supported statement (without principal objections) at this page. The proposed form of collective work eliminate claims on proposal's copyrights (and theirs priority), an exceptional right on edition etc. (otherwise, compromise cannot be found). Only colleagues, who are in agreement to this state of affairs, are invited to the discussion.
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1. Forming a scientific methodology
2. Forming of the list of problems
3. Construction of the common data base of performed works
4. Forming of the united physical basis
5. Forming of the other directions
The results of discussion:
Antirelativistic Library begin to work at
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