Dear Colleagues!
In spite of the technical progress reached in the twentieth century, it is necessary to recognize, that in such a fundamental area of researches as physics there has been stated an inadmissible position. Universal domination by the logically absurd and experimentally unconfirmed special and general relativity theory takes place (in the presence of direct financial state support). There is the requirement, proved by nothing, to coordinate all positions of physical theories with principles of the relativity theory. For an explanation of the phenomena, it is used the continuous heap of one ad hoc hypothesis (for a concrete special case) on other unchecked hypotheses. “Plausible pseudo-scientific” corrections of calculations after “peeping” behind the results of experiments cannot indefinitely continue without researchers’ attention. Officials from science aspire to keep an information blockade around the works criticizing the relativity theory in every way: from a prohibition to publish such articles in academic journals, before direct withdrawal from institute libraries or a prohibition to supply the books and the proceedings containing criticisms of relativity theory. Can dogmatism in science can promote moral and technical progress of mankind? Is science able to develop without free discussion of various ideas, scientific methods and results among the professional scientists? Obviously, not! And especially blasphemously to drum the absurd, unchecked ideas of relativity theory (which is not even a subject for discussion!) into “young inexperienced souls” during their education at school and high schools (unscrupulously using the necessity for trainees to receive good marks). A similar state of affairs in science can hardly satisfy people aspiring to a knowledge of truth. And a falling of the general educational level should to not disturb conceiving people.
The basic purposes of the given Address:
to assemble a group of adherents (as among actively working scientists and people with physical education, and among all interested researchers) which see existing deficiencies of the relativity theory and consider, that the developed attitudes in science should be changed to the best;
to increase opportunities for discussion of ideas and for an exchange of the objective information between interested experts, concerning published works, executed experiments, past conferences, opportunities for publication of works, financing, etc.;
to make the information support of the International Scientific Conference "Space, Time, Gravitation" (St.-Petersburg). It is planned to operatively present current information about the Conference on the given site.
It is the Program-minimum. Probably, in the further it will be possible to develop and carry out joint research projects, to publish a reviewed journal, etc.
What are prospective base principles of association?
It is the recognition of the fact that without the free discussion of ideas, methods and results science cannot fruitfully develop;
It is a consensus that internally inconsistent theories (such as the relativity theory) cannot be base in science, technology and education.
If you basically agree with what is written in the present Address, and
ready to openly join it, you can inform to the address of
some data on yourself (at will)
which you would like to see at the given site (data will be updated weekly). If you agree only
partially with the given Reference (for example, only with the necessity of discussion by the
scientific community of all arising problems) it can be reflected in last column (remarks in your
statement). If for any reasons you cannot openly put “signature” (though you agree with the Appeal
and are interested in information interchange), you can inform the e-mail and write that it is
“confidential” (then no data on you will appear at the present page). On each letter an
acknowledgement will be given.
N |
Name your e-mail can be joined) |
Place of work (at will you, your Website can be joined) |
Your additional offers or remarks |
1 |
Sergey N. |
Presence of some conventional theory should not influence opportunities of the publication of works and their discussions at conferences. Unique criteria to articles: absence of logic and physical contradictions, mathematical mistakes and the consent with experiments. |
2 |
Joseph J. |
The falseness of the modern scientific understanding of the world is caused by incorrect description of the electromagnetic and gravitational interactions. Electromagnetic forces depend on velocity, but gravitation force does not depend on velocity and is determined by the Newton's law. The descriptions and interpretation of all factual data, which were received in XXth century, should be reconsidered on this basis. |
3 |
Svetlana A. |
Central Astronomical Observatory (Pulkovo,Russia) |
4 |
Michael P. |
Saint-Petersburg, |
5 |
Nikolay A. |
6 |
Evgeny I. |
Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute of Kazan SC of RAS |
7 |
It may be time to re-open the 1920 Shapley-Curtis "Great Debate" regarding the sizes of the Milky Way and the Universe. There was such an attempt in 1991 that dealt with Gamma Ray Bursts, but like the 1920 "debate" its results seem inconclusive. |
8 |
Ruggero Maria |
For inconsistencies of special relativity for antimatter, nonlocal interactions, irreversible processes,
etc. see Chapter 1 |
9 |
Mandate for full and unambiguous disclosure of evidence for and against all scientific theories. Updating of peer-review system to require rejection of submitted works to be based on specific evidence, or proof of inaccurate use of data, math, or logic, and not because work is in opposition to accepted theories or principles. Complete banning of the use of the researcher's qualifications, or credentials as a valid consideration in the peer-review process. Mandate that acceptance, or rejection of research findings must be based entirely on the merits or faultiness of the submitted work and not on any other consideration. |
10 |
The failure of leading physics journals to accept papers critical of theories such as relativity, amounts to a particularly insidious form of censorship. It is one of the principle reasons for 100 years of stagnation in theoretical physics. |
11 |
Center for Canonical Science |
The most wonderful aspect of dogma practitioners i know is when two of them (e.g. two Einsteinian relativists) argue that you are wrong using incompatible arguments. For example, one is sure that you are wrong because A > B whereas, at the same time, other argues that you are wrong because B > A. You claim "both replies cannot be correct at the same time!" and you receive a large silent by response... In fact, in posterior debate they even omit all reference to the other relativist. Yes, I am convinced that dogma practitioners are true specialists in ignoring evidence. |
12 |
Andrey V. |
Moscow, |
13 |
Glenn Borchardt |
Supporting education in scientific philosophy free from political and religious influence. PSI views the Big Bang Theory and its supporting mathematical speculations to be indicative of the need for a revolution in modern physics and philosophy. According to Borchardt, the universe is macrocosmically as well as microcosmically infinite—just the opposite of what is currently being assumed by today’s cosmologists (see the book: The Ten Assumptions of Science). |
14 |
Paramahamsa |
Former Executive Director (Nuclear projects), |
Modern theories of physics are the products resultant due to
misconceptions on the basic nature of space and matter and its properties at the following two
stages where theories digression from reality occurred.
(1) The transition from the Cartesian space of spatial reality to the Newtonian space of emptiness
resulted in the exclusion of physical explanations to gravity, inertia, planetary motion,
and introduced "Action at a Distance". (2) While electron was discovered and Faraday's field
concept of continuous and real space was in
acceptance, vortex structure of electron and atoms was being researched and investigated. Wave
nature of light in fluid space was accepted. The advent of special relativity theory reversed the
trend back to empty space, brought in action-at-a-distance, and under a misconception of atomic
structure and misinterpretation of Planck's energy equation misconceived light as photon . Thus the
quantum physics was raised on an erroneous understanding of the Planck's constant. Structural
interrelationship of space and matter, nature of mass, inertia, charge and their origin , origin
and creational aspects of fields, spatial forces on nuclei, atoms and cosmic bodies were lost
sight off. |
15 |
Evgeny B. |
Moscow State University of Geogesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) |
16 |
Vadim A. |
Novosibirsk State Technical University |
RT is erroneous: there exist conclusive disproofs of RT, but a basis for RT is absent. There appear some new possibilities for progress in physics. RT brings a prejudice to Science, but the refute from RT can present adequate predictions. |
17 |
Michael B. |
18 |
Novosibirsk, |
19 |
Saint-Petersburg, |
20 |
Anatoly V. |
21 |
Robert Neil |
The model of gravitation developed by LaPlace in the 1850s, has gravitation being caused by a constant influx of subquantum particles ("infinitesimals"),each of which has an intrinsic velocity millions of times faster than the speed of light. Stellar and interstellar plasma processes involving subatomic particle dissociations, as the result of high dv/dt charge seperation events in stellar and interstellar plasmas are the origin of this constant in-streaming of subquantum particles which can easily attain superluminal velocities by such plasma dissociation events. Then, when these anisotropic superluminal subquantum entities encounter pre-existing matter, they are refracted and slowed down by interactions with the pre-existing matter. The reaction which occurs is experienced by matter as the pressing-down force we call gravitation. "Curved space" exists only in the imagination of the proponents of relativity theory. |
22 |
Vasily M. |
Tomsk Polytechnical University |
23 |
Arkadiusz |
While it is the fact that unconventional and interesting ideas (like those of Lavrentev, Eganova, Santilli,Shipov) are rejected and/or ignored by the institutionalized science, it is also true that the same unconventional scientists often reject or ignore offers for the help from their collegues that may like to criticise some of the elements of their theories. This creates a vitious cycle and the spooks, politicians, and the military, who want to keep any real discovery in secret, and "normal scientists" in confusion, rejoyce. |
24 |
Modern physics (and science in general) could be considered as Ptolemaic by its nature. But inside that huge "alexandrian" ocean of knowledge exist few isles, which would be named as "Cosmic Foucault's Pendulums" (e.g. natural constants h, G, c, e, origin and meaning of mass, fundamental irrational numbers pi, exp, golden-phi). An insight is arising: The inner Cosmos and his dynamics is caused with Outer One. We are in the front of the Great Change (of paradigm). |
25 |
José Miguel |
The actual means of einsteinian relativity -its real core- is as follows: Every observer no accelerated is at rest in the Lorentz's aether. This idea seems to mach the relativity principle and the aether, but its contradictions appears due this idea doesn't obey one main principle of the logic: the reference systems can not be moving one respect the other and also to be, each of them, at rest respect a third one (the aether). Einstenian relativity is consequence of the subjetivistic formation of its author. |
26 |
Nanoworld Scientific Laboratory |
27 |
Voronezh State University |
28 |
Galina A. |
Voronezh State University |
29 |
Maria V. |
Voronezh Scientific Research Institute of Communications |
30 |
Krasnodar, Russia
31 |
Vladimir M. |
Lipetsk, Russia |
32 |
Hoboken, New Jersey, USA |
Field is declared as physical reality but it is pure mathematical object by definition as a set equations for empty space. In this case field is similar to menu: menu describes diner, but does not have energy of diner, and so field describes something, but field is not real physical object. We should separate objects physical reality and objects mathematical abstraction. |
33 |
Nikolay A. |
Riga, Latvia |
34 |
Mark |
Moscow, Russia |
35 |
Philip M. |
36 |
Dmitri L. |
Sumy State University |
37 |
Normally the scientific level than achieves an intelectual elite is change next common in the conscience towns; however, the theories relativistic and quantum they have blocked that process for a century due to their paradoxes. The expansion of the scientific culture in the towns claims liquidation of paradoxes. |
38 |
39 |
Pavel A. |
Chelyabinsk |
40 |
Oleg. A. |
Barnaul |
41 |
42 |
Jury G. |
Kemerovo |
43 |
Oleg E. |
Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University) |
44 |
Viktor P. |
Moscow |
45 |
Temur Z. |
House of Physical Problems |
All problems of theoretical physics need to be discussed. The thema is "Crisis of theoretical physics: the problem of scientific truth" (see papers ). |
46 |
(Tolyatti, Russia) |
It is impossible to comprehend any experiments without the clear definition of all basic notions ("time", "space", "motion", "rest"). |
47 |
George P. |
Institute of Mathematics & Physics at University of
Technology & Agriculture |
48 |
49 |
Saint-Petersburg |
50 |
51 |
Dimiter G. |
Sofia |
To win magic of a relativity, it is necessary the new theory on which basis, from a position of the classical viewpoints,
the answers to the following three basic questions can be provided: What is the electric charge? What is the nature of
electromagnetic waves? What is the physical reason for nuclear forces? |
52 |
ã. Kharkiv |
From already known scientific phenomena deduced and then checked up by the experience, two Demokrit's hypotheses become the basical beginning of updated physics: a hypothesis about presence of absolute emptiness in the nature, and a hypothesis about presence of absolutely firm particles as agents of electric and magnetic fields in the nature. |
53 |
Uralsk |
54 |
Ukraine |
55 |
Moscow |
56 |
Eugeny S. |
Moscow |
L.Euler was an initiator of relativistic ideology. He has perverted the most fundamental positions of Newtonian mechanics. Just L.Euler has reduced Newton's mechanics which basis is the concept of "force" to an vulgar kinematics, considering all movements as the relative ones only, whereas the primary goal of Newton's mechanics is the finding the true movements of bodies for the reasons, their making, for their displays and for differences of seeming movements, and, on the contrary, a finding the reasons and displays by the true or seeming movements. These distortions also have resulted in the subsequent occurrence of the so-called quantum "mechanics", based not on fixed laws, but on postulates. Folowing to Euler, the uniform movement (uniform movement on a circle) began to be considered as an accelerated movement, and from here it also have begun all quantum "miracles" with so-called "not radiating" orbits, and "questions" with an energy source ostensibly needed for the accelerated movement of planets round the Sun. |
57 |
Genrix L. |
Moscow |
58 |
Felix F. |
59 |
Anatoly N. |
Moscow |
60 |
Tomsk |
61 |
Anatoly F. |
Dubna |
62 |
Georgy J. |
SRI-13 MD RF |
63 |
Mineralnye Vody |
64 |
Ilia I. |
Krasnogorsk |
65 |
Anatoly V. |
Concern AAD "Almaz-Antey" |
66 |
Sergey V. |
Laboratory of Solar and Cosmic-ray Physics, LPI RAS |
67 |
Vladimir V. |
Academy "ÀPK PPRO" |
68 |
Rostov-on-Don |
69 |
Bishkek |
70 |
Aleksandr A. |
Kiev |
71 |
Anatoly V. |
Leningrad |
72 |
Sergey A. |
Moscow |
73 |
Alexandr P. |
Moscow |
74 |
Alexandr O. |
Pskov |
Can you imagine such that no one in the world has yet measured the speed of light in one direction? Unbelievable? And it is a fact. The theory of solid ether offers to deliver such an experiment and supposes in this way big shocks. |
75 |
Andrew |
Universidad Autonoma |
76 |
Dmitry |
Nizhny Novgorod |
If you believe in the theory of relativity, you land yourself into an absolutely mad universe where no statement is equal to itself in its own meaning. No meaningful statement is possible in the universe of the relativity theory; this theory annuls itself. |
77 |
Razhikov |
Moscow |
Awareness of the absurdity of the SRT is a sign of having a mind. SRT supporters either do not understand what they are talking about, or they deliberately lie. The third, alas, is not given. |
78 |
Avsharov |