Viktor Moroz

            There are several approaches to the problem of Time[1-7]:

1) Unreality of time and motion. Parmenides(510-450BC), Archimedes(270-212BC), Lucretius(70BC), McTaggart(1908,1927).

2) A-theory( past, present, future),Presentizm, exists only NOW[3].

3) B-theory(earlier, simultaneous, later)[3].

4) Newtonian absolute time, separated from space [1].

5) Time as one of the dimensions of space-time: 3+1, 4+1, 9+1, 25+1,…?

6) Hypothesis of non-metric time [5].

7) Hypothesis of two kinds of time (Itzhak Bars) [6].

8) Hypothesis of multidimensional time (Pavlov) [7].

9) Composite hypotheses. A-B-theory(2,3)[3], and the most diplomatic hypothesis by Julian Barbour, 1999, includes three approaches (1,2,5) –(1) “time does not exist at all”( [4] p.4),(2) “The world is made of Nows”( [4] p.16), (5) “unification of general relativity and quantum mechanics may well spell the end of time.” ( [4] p.14).

            In this work we attempt to propose a different approach to the problem of time on the base relations of dependences and independences of matter moving into space.

            Let’s consider an example. Suppose we have to describe motion of a car. To do this we need to measure distance and time which car spent to move on this distance. To measure the distance we can use a wheel of the car and assume that circumference of wheel is equal one meter. To measure time as a rule use a periodic process which is convenient to get numeric value of duration of time. If we look at the car then we can make a note that the rotation of wheel of the car is a periodic process and in this example let’s use it to define one turn of the wheel as “one second”. We remember that length of circumference is equal one meter and we can measure turns of wheel in meter too. Thus, we can express  the velocity of the car as a ratio of “one meter” of distant to “one meter” of time (turn), and in this case the velocity of the car will equal dimensionless unit independent of the real speed of the car.

            This example is necessary to formulate the reason why this way to measure of time cannot be accepted. The reason is a complete dependence of rotation wheel upon the motion of the car, and that does not matter: car moves because the wheels rotate or the wheels rotate because car moves. When the car is still – motionless wheels, when the car accelerates – accelerate the rotation of the wheels. Therefore, to measure time, we need a periodic process independent of described process. We could consider a pendulum, mechanic watch, electronic watch, atomic clock, or using outside periodic radio-signal of artificial or natural sources. The more independent  the clock is the more accurate is the measurement of the speed of the car. Hence it follows definition one important properties of time as RELATIONS OF INDEPENDENCES AT LESS TWO PROCESSES MOVING IN SPACE, ONE OF THEM WE CALL CLOCK. If we try to establish dependences to time, for example, stop growing old or travel in time, we get nothing more but broken clock, in other words, we can always find an  independent process or the clock which we still did not break. Any process can not be used as a clock to describe itself, and any clock cannot be used to describe its own motion.   

            In that way we propose to reduce or unify a well known formula: Nature Is Matter Moved In Space And Time to Nature Is Mater Moved In Space, and time is derived conception from motion of matter in space. In other words, TIME IS NOT INDEPENDENT OBJECT AS MATTER AND SPACE, IT IS SUBJECTIVE OR UNREAL, BUT EXISTS, IT IS NOT AN ILLUSION, AS RELATION OF INDEPENDENCES OF REAL OBJECT MOVING IN SPACE.

            We have, observed and experimented with three-dimensional matter moving into three-dimensional space, where exists a relation of dependences or cause-effect relation, and a relation of independences which is bound with the notion of time. Subjective role of time or time as man-conception is necessary for us to describe the motion of object, where the clock is independent of the described motion and the described motion is independent of the clock, and motion owes its cause, and the cause is independent of clock and our description. The Concept of time is necessary as a standard motion to get a description of other motion, so time is derived from motion – it is difference from first approach above, matter, space and motion are primary notions, and unreality of time does not lead to unreality of motion.

            Let’s skip several exotic approaches and take into account two of them – (4) Newtonian time and (5) Minkowski space-time. Using time as one of the dimensions of space-time [8] gives us:

1)     4_c = infinity – four-velocity of light equal infinity by definition of interval, but we observe and postulate finite speed of light.

2)     4_v = 1      four-velocity is dimensionless and unit by definition, but we observe different values of velocity.

3)     4_v1 + 4_v2 = 4_v3 or 1 + 1 = 1? Four-velocity loses sum.

4)     a*4_v1 = 4_v2 or a*1 = 1? Four-velocity loses multiplication on the number.

5)     By definition 4-velocity is orthogonal to 4-acceleration, and so is “permitted” to change the direction of 4-velocity only, but we observe changes of value of velocity in the same direction.

6)     If c is directed to infinity, then 4_v = {1, 0, 0, 0} or 4-velocity does not “become” a classical velocity.

7)     Expression {ct, x, y, z } consists of path of light for time t and projections of path of an object for the same time t. Interval is defined as the difference between these paths – if the object is light then interval is equal zero. Components of four-velocity are defined as ratio of each component of expression above and interval. If appearance of four-velocity du/ds looks like the classical velocity, then meaning of the four-velocity does not tie  with the classical velocity – see (1)-(6) points. 

In respect to Newtonian time we have to note that using time separate from space completely satisfies reality and concept of time as standard motion.

            Thus, we have unification of the most common notion – matter, space, motion and time to matter, space and motion. Newtonian approach with separation time and space is closer to reality than other approaches. Concept of time is derived from concept of motion of matter in space, as unreality of time is the oldest – 2500 years – concept. Our temporal description of reality is close to reality according to level independences our clock and describing process.


[1] Whitrow G.J. The Natural Philosophy Of Time. Oxford.1980. 399pp.

[2] Reichenbach H. The Philosophy Of  Space & Time. Dover. 1958. 295pp.

[3] Time, Reality & Experience. Ed. By Callender C. Canbridge. 2002. 328pp.

[4] Barbour J. The End Of Time. Oxford. 1999. 374pp.

[5] Ìîðîç Âèêòîð,  Óòåðÿííàÿ Ôèçèêà Ìíîãîîáðàçèÿ Ïðèðîäûþ.

[6] A Two-Time Universe?USC College physicist explores how a second dimension of time could unify physics laws, better describe the natural world.

[7] Ä. Ã. Ïàâëîâ. ×ÅÒÛШÕÌÅÐÍÎÅ ÂÐÅÌß ÊÀÊ ÀËÜÒÅÐÍÀÒÈÂÀ ÏÐÎÑÒÐÀÍÑÒÂÓ-ÂÐÅÌÅÍÈ ÌÈÍÊÎÂÑÊÎÃÎ. Ìîñêîâñêèé Ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé Òåõíè÷åñêèé Óíèâåðñèòåò èì. Í.Ý. Áàóìàíà, ÍÈÈÝÌ, Ìîñêâà, Ðîññèÿ.

[8] Ëàíäàó Ë.Ä., Ëèôøèö Å.Ì., Òåîðèÿ ïîëÿ. 2001.