Since physics by itself represents a principally experimental science and the
majority of textbooks begins just from an experimental "substantiation" of RT,
then there existed the necessity (in spite of logical flaws of RT) to analyze
the relativistic interpretation of some experiments, showing its
error (we do not bear in mind that the experimental data are erroneous:
the experimentalist is always right!). The
given Chapter 3 above analyzed the experiments for establishing SRT in detail
from corpuscular and wave viewpoints for the empty space (with using of
relativity principle). It was shown that all these experiments could give
nothing except a "zero result", since the only possible light-speed dependence
was not studied at all. Further, we analyzed those experiments that
seemingly confirm SRT, and presented a series of methodological comments.
The Chapter 3 contained both the general comments on the experimental substantiation of the relativity principle, on the theories of ether, on statistical data processing and others, and the specific critical discussion of the aberration phenomenon, the Michelson-Morley, Kennedy-Thorndike, Ivese-Stilwell and other experiments. The complete inadequacy of interpretations of these experiments within the SRT framework was demonstrated here. Such GRT experiments, as the Hafele-Keating and Pound-Rebka experiments, were discussed at the end of the present Chapter 3, and error of their interpretation by GRT was shown. The given Chapter 3 demonstrated a full experimental groundlessness of the RT.